it's been a while i din go for shopping, haha, n kinda funny i found pasar malam things are more nicer than what selling in malls, cos u know why? why we have to pay more for something that is the same? For example : - my latest favourite.

guess how much did i pay for this precious? The answer is~ only RM10!! What? i know it's only cheaper RM10, so? Do u know how much we can do with the 10 bucks? U can go for a meal at McD for christ sake~!! N done a lot researches~ it's going to be hot in town~ I just love the retro hits~ yaya~ i'm one of the freaks~
Let me give u a question~*


use ur imagination to combine bah~*
next stop~* Momo Tonight~* see u there with my new image bah~*
P/S : Thanks to Venus for everything she had said to me~* I will try my best to memorized everything, to prevent things happen again for up coming days.