Kinda mad n disappointed with what she showed in the latest album, first the image.... SO GAGA~ I wonder when she will change her name as LADY COCO pulak~ sick sick sick~ Summore u know what worse? She use the original song "Potential Break up song", which is Aly n AJ's hits N now so bored~ after so many days gone, then only she call it her Theme Song... Sweat sweat sweat.... She used to be so orignal... n what happened to her? Hmmmm.... but of course la, i like 3 dance songs from her album, Party time, Ready o not, and 既然爱了.. Shud try em, n dance some sweat out (^_^)

Really wish that one day, coco lee will get some original Image, not just another cat from copy street~* Like those days when she really is a Diva