My Heart really sweeten up / 我的心真的很开心的
Then at the same time, I smile / 跟着,我的脸也微笑起来
And i hardly wait to see you / 真的很想现在就搭飞机去见你
Give u a kiss on ur forehead / 然后亲吻你的额头……
I wonder what reaction will u give me by then.. haha / 在幻想着,那时你会给我什么反应呢?哈
Cry o smile? / 是哭?还是笑?
Really can't wait to see u~ / 真的很迫不及待了~
Man~, she really have my sis look~ haha so cute~ Especially the way she stare~ hehehe / 哇噻,他真的很有我姐的风范~尤其是那瞪人的表情~超可爱~哈哈