So nvm~ In this trip~ i bought only few things~ A new sun glasses, a new cap, n also few knit wears from SEED~ the spec was so in my mind all the time after my friend's sister showed me at my comment section in friendster~ Of cos it's not the same, n i guess the price will be very different from the one that she showed me, but almost the same la :) N i love it very much~ now only i realized, i love specs~ This is what bought, it's from sg wang~ hehehhe~

So move on to the next thing, ok~ at last i reached my sis house~ n met my cute lil baby girl~ Iman~ heheh~ she is so cute~ but so bad la, this uncle ghab, dunno how to hold a baby, so "chor loh" made u cry nia...hahha.... but so nice la, when i see mom, which means her grandma holding her, she was like so manja~ n so baby~ hahah~ n made me flash back when i was young, being held by her, embraced by her, the feeling is so touching... Another thing, i'm so "beh song" la, even my 2nd sis, also know how to hold a baby... mah leh.. me very lame la~ hahha~ bad uncle ghab~ n these are the pics~

The last day at my sis house was the hardest day, cos have to say good bye to Iman d lo~ then hurriedly snap few more shots from her n also a video~ but so bad the video was unable to post up... so only can show the pictures of her~ :) ~ hehehhe~ Check it~ so cute~ ngek ngek ngek ngek ngek~*

And that is what's up with my KL trip... boring, but i had a long rest, a very long one.. hahhahah, long time din rest lu...~ n it was so amazing~ back to Penang now, n feel energetic~n fully charged~ hahahaha~ Soon i will get my next trip, dunno where, but it will still be in Malaysia~ ahhahah, no money is like that lo~ plus i haven't fully visit every state in Malaysia yet... So~ Malaysia~ here i come~ hehhee~^_^