
日见长大(生活旋律) / Getting Old (Pitching in life)






























Pitch, there's high n low cord,So does life

Days flies,now looking back i've done so far these years.

I've been a delinquent,

I've been a rebel

I've been through happiness

I've been through sorrow

I've been single

I've been attached

And so does break ups

What should i do next?

The emo swings so fast, so complicated...

It seems like going to burst my brain just thinking all about these...

Is it because of getting old....

we need to worry about things in life?
Is it because of getting old....

Alot of things I've missed, need to rush n grab it by hand?

I used to have a great person in life,

Been there always to pamper me, to guide me,

I never needed to worried about these things in life...

So many "Used to be",
It start to make me feel tired n complaining about my life...

It made me thinks,

how stupid i was to feel not enough in life...

Now...Still same question,Keep circling around my mind...

What i've learned so far?

And what i am?


盆栽心得 Tips for Bonzai


























"Night blooming cereus", it's a very delicate plant. It only open in a short time,

then it wilted.

It's very gorgeus when it bloom, but the period is so short.

Maybe the timing is short, it made it precious n beautiful.

Those fakes, man made... only will make it looks beautiful in a fake way....

From what i experienced, i think human kind should take this same point...

to look at how we looks at the love..

After the flower wilted, if we dun put more love n time into that plant,

ending will still the same,

n looks the same.

Just like love, after a relationship end, if we dun take care of the heart broken soul,

slowly, it will turn hate.

Then we'll loose a chance to understand ourselves,

n where n what shall we improve in the up coming next relationship.

To be a betterman.

As for those bad seed that never bloom...

let them perish, n return back to the ground.

Bonzai may die, but the pot is still useful.

We still can put hope on other seeds.

Plant a new ones, maybe one day it will turn out to be a much more full grown plant, a much more beautiful flower that we could use some anticipation on it.


蔡健雅。谢谢你,我爱你 / Tanya 。Thanks and I Love You

她的歌词,总是让我感受到很零距离的。。可能歌词总是很“人生活方式”吧。。或可能她的歌来的合时,她写的歌大多数都会给我些看开爱情的问题。。认识她很多年了。。从"i do believe"到近期的慢歌。。都从不曾让我不感动过的。。都会有种冲动想去大哭一场,但我看我再也不会了吧。。也希望自己别再变得像以前那么懦弱。。从她那首“下一次爱情来的时候”领悟到很多我该做和不该做的琐碎的小事情,你所付出的未免人家会了解,你付出的,也未必人家了解你的心意。。从此我也答应过了自己,哭也不能改变一切失去或将失去的事件和东西。。勇敢站起来看,勇敢的面对,才是真正要把事情婉转,免得变得更面目难堪。。其实我问过自己,到底这是对的吗?但是我觉得,不管对不对。。再也不在乎了。。把一切心痛,埋藏在面具后面不是更好吗?让一切人都觉得我并不轻易接近,让一切锐利的物件远离要害。。就不会那么容易受伤。。

Her lyric always close to me, maybe it's more o less alike with my lifestyle.. Or maybe her song always come in the right time, give me the best guide or healing point towards the way i work for love.. It's been years i know her.. From "I Do Believe" til the latest album, she never fail to touched me.. Always give me the urge of, just drop the mask and cry the hell out.. but.. i think there'll be not a chance anymore.. and hope i will never back to the basic again.. being naive.. From the song "When Love Comes Again", i really learned alot about what should, and what shouldn't do in love, what you gave out, what you did, it doesn't mean the whole world will understand the way u hope it should be.. From this i also learned about sobbing doesn't help things to turn back time.. Stand up bravely, face it bravely is best the way to solve things before everything turn worse than ever, til you realized it's not so worth it.. and you still loving that person.. Actually everytime i did asked myself, is it right to be like this? But i think, it's not my judgement anymore.. and dont simply care, and let the whole sad part hide behind the mask, let the whole world thinks that i'm invulnerable, and too hard to reach.. let the lethal weapon become less.. then cut the whole percentage of being hurt into half..


Cancer : 99% correct

和巨蟹座男人交往前一定要记住查清楚该螃蟹是不是初恋,如果不是初恋就要弄清楚是否初恋受伤过。受伤过的螃蟹最好别找,非常非常麻烦,异常。初恋巨蟹是优质美味的螃蟹。 巨蟹座慢热,也喜欢在遇到问题的时候用沉默应对。所以初次和巨蟹座交手的mm在遇到巨蟹座沉默的时候,千万千万要沉住气。因为巨蟹座有相当好的憋气神功,你就算撕心裂肺的疑惑,不解,彷徨,担心,也一定要沉住气把注意力转移到其他事情上去。哪怕是出去找几个帅哥发展一下暧昧情绪分散注意力。因为如果你沉不住表白了,或者主动逼迫了,主动爆发对他的情绪了。那么多数的巨蟹在这个时候就一定是逃走退缩了。一定要等到让螃蟹采取主动,你可以勾引,不能表白,不能热烈。巨蟹座是非常经不起诱惑的星座,巨蟹座的人喜欢暧昧,暧昧来的快,去的也快。所以被巨蟹座暧昧过的MM千万不用自作多情觉得可能巨蟹座还在纠结中而心生怜惜。因为那个时候巨蟹座可能已经去和其他无数mm暧昧了,但是如果要他负责,就要看是不是初恋的螃蟹了。  巨蟹座的男人天性柔情,巨蟹座的男人虽然柔情,同时也是很实际的,如果你的家庭条件比较好,其实不妨告诉他。他喜欢能提供安全感的东西。和巨蟹座的人相处你千万不要太紧张或者神经质。如果你是一个情绪容易波动反复无常的人,那么和巨蟹座很难相处。因为巨蟹座就像是水,风吹水动相当敏感。你的任何情绪都能感染到他。所以我觉得巨蟹座适合有一个情绪稳定的伴侣,巨蟹座的人很难很好地去应付安抚另一半的情绪波动。 不管你是为了任何理由爱上他,首当其冲的是,你必须十分十分的了解他。 了解他的情绪化、复杂性、独占欲和他的忠诚度。 所以,试着了解他生命中最重要的事是什么,分析他和母亲的相处模式,和父亲的争执原因,他为何不安,他想从你身上得到什么…… 往往,男蟹愈爱一个人愈会做出令人讨厌的事,如果是看表面,简直难以忍受。 如果你只是谅解但不了解,这样的基础很危险。 无论男蟹对你热情澎湃,一如日内瓦的冲天喷泉般一飞冲天,他表现出来的形式,绝对令你失望! 男蟹深情款款在心底,而非嘴上。 男蟹柔情似水在眼里,而非手上。 不要唠唠叨叨像个难伺候的大小姐,男蟹不吃这一套。 让男蟹更爱你,你一定要表现得十分爱自己,十分能取悦自己,好像当男蟹是空气一般的存在,信不信?善妒的男蟹是看不惯你爱自己胜过他。 他会知道爱你,并且刻不容缓! 被男蟹爱上的女人是幸福的,因为他将赢得如大海般辽阔的深情,但是,这里可容不下一丝怀疑,所以,你必须够诚实。 反省自己吧!如果你尚不肯定自己爱的方向,请千万不要许下承诺,宁可因为认真而没有答案,也不要为了同情而自欺欺人。 对别人可以,对男蟹,万万不可爱就是爱,不爱就是不爱,没有中间地带,更不允许暧暧昧昧

For you, i might be a Ragdoll.

Hours of waiting,
Hours of Disappointments....
Why Dont you tolerate and understand?
Understand what i need for now,
n being understanding how i feel that moment?
Is it that difficult understand my situation?
Hmmmm..... Maybe my shoes Doesn't fit u at all....
How n what i treated you like when u r shallow....
now it start to confuse me...
Do you really need someone like me to stand for you?
do you even care that someone like me, to be there to pamper you?
Am i look like a ragdoll
only sand will flow out from the eyes,
but not tears?
Who doesn't love to get pamper?
who doesn't love to listen to sweet things when he/she in moody?
who doesn't love to love? and in return to be love?
A simple apologize never been made...
it's obvious...
It will be a lock that forever locked up...
Til you have the key and unlock yourself...
I'll stand strong,
Don't worry.
Although we might turn strangers in future becos of it...
I will be waiting..
I wont regret the decision that i've made..
Cos you're the one who lock it up.


Hatred and Despising all the work that planned by above....

Why Why and Why

So many bad guys on the run

You took away just misters n misses.nice person?

I really got no idea which point should i see

that u love each one of us from the day we born, n departed from life..

A youngster which only 20 this year..

A nice guy i known

Been taken

Why why and why?

Faith? For you? I've lost long time ago...

Yes i complaint and complaint n complaint....

B'cos we got the right to know what to trust to.

But u treated us like Dolls,

Who should die n who should live...

Once n twice u took away Nice ppl i've known,

but why not those demons on the loose?

Cos u can't handle them?

Or u r the one who actually demon's Master??

I really despising all ur work

I totally hate what your excuses is...

Where's the mercy ppl were talking about you?

Where? where?


A World that build by glacier ice

Lock inside, lock inside,
Inside the world that divided by thick glacier ice.

What and how to knock down this crystal height?
Since the keys to the exit, lost in sight.

Myself build it too high,
Now i got stuck,
And got no way to climb out from this tall glacier pipe.

Even if i succeed to climb that high,
How do i do the way down right?

No way to slide,
No way to jump off and fly.
I asked myself :
Should i stay?
Or should i commit suicide?
Suddenly i realised.
Actually all time the key is with me.
That's the best place to hide,
The trustworthy place in my mind
which is the pocket on my right.

After so many incidents been through in my life..
I think i rather stay inside.

Keep myself guard high.
Instead of letting people make you cry.


Halloween at Fame

It a memorable night, cos yesterday i totally seen who are the beast and who is not, n the worst is, a wolf in disguise.. I learned alot from the night.. Which is there's none of a fairy tale exist.. I thought he is one good guy... until the second he attacked me... lips to lips... and the fucking scent from his mouth n tongue really disgusting!!!!!!!!! Burp.....
And when the night call off... i'm so glad... i finally speak out my mind... Held a massacre n clearify everything in the wrong position back to the basic. Back to where it should be. But once i sensed the fishy of it. That's it, Bye forever. Thanks to Rui, sometimes, i should stand up for my word to them n go strictly, no mercy~! So everyone will get the picture of it. N buzz off!
Final warning, hell yeah!

I'm not that sweet~

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