她的歌词,总是让我感受到很零距离的。。可能歌词总是很“人生活方式”吧。。或可能她的歌来的合时,她写的歌大多数都会给我些看开爱情的问题。。认识她很多年了。。从"i do believe"到近期的慢歌。。都从不曾让我不感动过的。。都会有种冲动想去大哭一场,但我看我再也不会了吧。。也希望自己别再变得像以前那么懦弱。。从她那首“下一次爱情来的时候”领悟到很多我该做和不该做的琐碎的小事情,你所付出的未免人家会了解,你付出的,也未必人家了解你的心意。。从此我也答应过了自己,哭也不能改变一切失去或将失去的事件和东西。。勇敢站起来看,勇敢的面对,才是真正要把事情婉转,免得变得更面目难堪。。其实我问过自己,到底这是对的吗?但是我觉得,不管对不对。。再也不在乎了。。把一切心痛,埋藏在面具后面不是更好吗?让一切人都觉得我并不轻易接近,让一切锐利的物件远离要害。。就不会那么容易受伤。。
Her lyric always close to me, maybe it's more o less alike with my lifestyle.. Or maybe her song always come in the right time, give me the best guide or healing point towards the way i work for love.. It's been years i know her.. From "I Do Believe" til the latest album, she never fail to touched me.. Always give me the urge of, just drop the mask and cry the hell out.. but.. i think there'll be not a chance anymore.. and hope i will never back to the basic again.. being naive.. From the song "When Love Comes Again", i really learned alot about what should, and what shouldn't do in love, what you gave out, what you did, it doesn't mean the whole world will understand the way u hope it should be.. From this i also learned about sobbing doesn't help things to turn back time.. Stand up bravely, face it bravely is best the way to solve things before everything turn worse than ever, til you realized it's not so worth it.. and you still loving that person.. Actually everytime i did asked myself, is it right to be like this? But i think, it's not my judgement anymore.. and dont simply care, and let the whole sad part hide behind the mask, let the whole world thinks that i'm invulnerable, and too hard to reach.. let the lethal weapon become less.. then cut the whole percentage of being hurt into half..
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