
hello~hehe, just wanna show off my 25th Bday

It's been a while i stop writing blog here, cos not much to tell in my life, since there's nothing interesting to say~* but this really touched me, cos it is the biggest bday of all my life...
At first i thought it will be a very small gathering dinner, mana tau... one by one of my friends coming n coming... wow!! Ridiculous.... n Presents getting crowded n crowded...

But of course.. u know la, my stupid attitude, once again ruin the whole thing... in the middle of the party, some moron showed up on my big day, in just 1 second, my wrath came out from no where, i was like blaming at first, then suddenly.... i feel so stupid... how can't i be more generous about it n treat him like a piece of glass.... duh!!! i'm an idiot... i even made the whole gang down... sorry guys... let's skip this la~! But luckily at last, Happy Ending ^^

The happy thing is... i see how much friends can do to each other... how much sacrifice they made... to make me happy n unforgettable night of my 25th bday... touched!!

n these are the pics i captured from that night~ let the show begins ^^

This is my Tiramisu~ Added with my favourite~ Cherry~* Yummy :)

Here come my stupid face~! hahaha~

These are the lovely ppl i mention just now~ ^^
(from Left to right) Jean, Candy, Belle, Me, n NiQ

(from left to right) Venus, Me, NiQ, n Sam

(from left to right) Andrew, Me, n Chia Chia~*

See? How many Presents i got? Damn!! i was touched!!!

Love that Chupa Chups Bouquet!!!

Haha, we're counting how many cherry flavour were inside~

Happy Family~
(from left to right) Jean, Candy, Vincent, Me, Belle, Angelyn n NiQ

When the night was call off, we're so tired, everyone rushed back home n sleep.. so was my mind was thinking... but the suprises, yet ended!!!

TADA!!! Yes!!! My favourite dog breed of all!!! A Pug was waiting in my room!!! MAN!!!! that was so fucking out of my mind!!!! i was leap in!! drop all my presents n rush for it!!

Thanks to NiQ!!! The big spender of the night!!! Wow!!! that's really really touching!!!!

Not much suffering from finding her a name!!! Cos i love Cherry, so~ I gave her Cherry this name~ ^^

Look at her!! She really love to show off her skill of taking pics!! Whenever the camera is ready, she always STUN!! so cute!!! so freaking COOL!!!! ^^

Hmmmm..... So i end here for now.... soon up coming blog... i think will be in a short while nia la~ wait long long la~ hahaha~*

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